
  • Vitamin deficiency is one of the most preventable causes of many medical issues
  • 100% of wellness injections are absorbed into the bloodstream

Available Injections:

  • B12: Increased metabolism, Increased energy, Improved sleep, Improved muscle recovery
  • Lipo-C/B12 Combo: Increased metabolism, Improved liver detox, Increased energy, Speeds up weight loss, Better and stronger hair, Improved sleep, Improved muscle recovery
  • Toradol: Pain relief, anti-inflammatory
  • Kenalog: Seasonal allergy relief, psoriasis 
  • Vitamin C: Immune booster, anti-bacterial, anti-viral
  • Vitamin D: Bone strength
  • Glutathione:detoxify, anti-oxidant, anti-aging, skin brightening, wrinkle reducing, joint pain


  • Dehydration, migraine, hangover, stomach flu, kidney stone, morning sickness, heat exhaustion, muscle cramps, fatigue, or under the weather with the flu or a cold
  • IV Infusions fix dehydration and IV administration of hydration, vitamins, and medications can correct imbalances and causes of dehydration while boosting immune system

The medications and vitamins available include:

  • Vitamin C (immune boost)
  • Glutathione (anti-oxidant) 
  • Mineral Blend (Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, Chromium)
  • Vitamin B12 (energy)
  • Vitamin B-Complex (liver/immune health)
  • Magnesium (muscle cramps)
  • Toradol (anti-inflammatory)
  • Zofran (anti-nausea)


  • NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) therapy, delivered by injection or IV infusion, has become popular for its potential health benefits.
  • Treatment using the coenzyme NAD+ to support cellular health and energy production.

Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

  • Improved energy and mental clarity
  • Enhanced cellular repair and regeneration
  • Improved mood and reduced anxiety
  • Reduced inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Potential anti-aging effects


  • A non-pharmaceutical option to treat infections, wounds, inflammatory conditions, and some forms of cancer
  • Gas generated from oxygen that is toxic to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and cancer cells but harmless to normal cells

What Ozone Treats

  • Viral infections (shingles, herpes)
  • Autoimmune issues (Hashimoto’s , Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis)
  • Digestive (Crohn’s. ulcerative colitis)
  • Inflammation

Why Wellness at Concierge Health:

  • Personally customized medical grade customized treatments
  • Based off of your personal assessment
  • Administered by a medical professional
  • Effective results